Don't think that only women have bewitching eyes.Close your eyes for a while and imagine, and get into the world of animal kingdom .... there are many species to mesmerize you with their stunning eyes...
The eyes of certain animals have always fascinated me. They are not only stunning, piercing but also mesmerizing. The very thought of the Disney story is kindling my heart... In Junglebook the Kaa (Indian Python) will look at Mowgli - the young jungle boy's eyes and sing ...
trust in me - trust in me ... and will try to mesmerize, not only the boy but every one!
As a Doctor whether for a human or an animal we always look at the eyes of the patients as they are the best indicators of health.
Whether it is true or not, I have read once that Swami Vivekananda, the great saint could calm down a tiger by his eye contact when he happened to encounter the same in a jungle. Sometimes I enjoy the way my dog looks at me eagerly for my call to allow him to lick me when I command and make him sit away from me while doing some serious work.
Let us see some interesting EYES!
HORSES It is a common misconception that Horses need blindfolds as they can be distracted by scary things around them.What the horses are wearing are actually fly masks.Flies like to drink the liquid that comes out of horses' eyes, and this can be very annoying for the horse and the flies carry disease and can cause infections.
DONKEY The donkey’s eye placement helps it see all its four feet at a time.
SHEEP The sheep uses different parts of its eye to focus on things that are close up and things that are far away.A GOAT's eyes have got rectangular pupils.
EAGLE &HAWK The shape of eyes is different ,the rear curves are larger and flatter, and thus providing an excellent vision.They have approximately million cones per millimeters in their retina (humans only have 200,000 cones per millimeter), help to see an object or prey clearly and sharply.They have three eyelids, with the bottom eyelid being larger than the top one, that is why they blink up instead of down.
OWLS Owls’ eyes are fixed in their sockets? Which limits their eye ball movements that is why they turn their entire head to see in different directions and They have forward-facing eyes which gives them well-developed binocular vision.
We have heard a phrase “crocodile tears”, when somebody try to cheat, because of the fact is they don’t have tear ducts. Only a proteinaceous fluid is secreted behind their third eyelid, or nictating membrane to both clean and lubricate the passage of the nictating membrane across the surface of eyes.Crocodiles are blind in the water but very keen of sight in the air.

Their nocturnal vision is by far more superior to human, having a total vision is at 280 degrees, broader than the dogs which is wider than human who only can reach to a total vision of 220 degrees. But their visions are significantly weaker than human in the first three months. Their pupils dilate, when they are angry or sexually aroused; and they blink when being stroked.
Their huge globe-like eyes open widely to see clearly at night. but during the day, pupils close to a tiny slit. eyes are protected by a thin transparent membrane, and to keep it clean and moisten they use their long sticky tongue to lick it.
Their lower and upper eyelids are joined together, leaving one large pinhole for the pupil to see through. They can roll or rotate each of theireyes to see two different objects from two different directions at the same time , in a 360 degree field of vision.when one of its eyes is looking at us, the other eye can look at the back.
The eyes can detect ultraviolet wavelengths of light that humans can't detect, helps exploring safely through the maze of branches in the forest canopy or the crowded forests, to detect shapes, shadows, color and movements at astonishingly long distances.
They do not have eyelids. They do not require tears either, since their eyes are bathed by water, no special lubricant like tears is required. Hardened lens protect their eyes.The SHARK cornea has been used in eye surgery, since its cornea is similar to a human cornea.
Snakes don't need lids because they never have to close their eyes. Each eye is covered by a clear scale, which protects it. When the snake sheds, the outer layer of these scales pops off right along with the rest of the skin. This snake's vertical (up-and-down) pupil is great for opening up extra wide at night to let in as much light as possible.But Lizards eye is ringed by scaly skin and they have also by an upper and lower eyelid.
The cuttlefish has excellent eyesight. When they in deep, dark water, the horizontal pupil in its eye usually opens wide to let in more light. But when the animal is in shallow, bright water, the eye squeezes into the squinty, ripply slit shown here. A giant squid’s eyes are the largest amongst animal species measuring up to 40 cm (16 inches) in diameter.
SPIDER They have four eyes on the face with the enormous pair located in the center, and remaining small eyes are located at the dorsal surface of the cephalo thorax. They have a sharp vision, can see a prey anywhere from 30 to 40 cm away.
JUMPING SPIDER Their eyes looking like alien's eyes, have eight eyes and excellent vision.
DOLPHINS sleep with one eye open
OSTRICH The eyes of ostrich’s are bigger than their brains.
SCALLOP A scallop has 35 eyes that are blue in color.
FLIES Unlike all other insects, flies have five eyes. They have two large eyes and three smaller eyes between them.
A pair of large multifaceted compound eyes which occupy almost all of the head. Each of compound eyes has up to 30,000 individual lenses called ommatidia (a separate light-sensing organ), and thus giving a a 360 degrees perfect field of vision.
Is there any animal with no eyes?
Some salamanders that live in dark caves and certain fish that live near deep Ocean beds have no eyes! This is because they do not need eyes, since in light never ever reaches them! Some of them have rudimentary eyes with permanently closed eyelids over them, while in some the eyes are totally absent.
Why do animal eyes glow in dark?
In dark, the pupils are dilated, so that maximum amount of light enters the eye. When suddenly, light is shone in the animal eyes, it is reflected from the Tapetum lucidum. This is the reflecting layer behind their rod-rich retina. That is the reason, why the animal eyes glow in dark.
Do animals have a third eyelid?
Some animals do have a third eyelid, for e.g. the frog, has a thin membrane which it pulls up over its eyes,
The Ouzel also called the American Dipper has a third eyelid. It feeds on larvae and insects in water. It swoops into the water and puts on its swimming glasses, its third eyelid covers its eyes! It also has oil flaps of skin on the nostrils to prevent water entering its nose, while it flies inside water!
Flightless birds only have a lower eyelid.
How do insects see?
Insects have compound eyes. Each eye has many shiny lenses, which cast a small image. These multiple images are integrated by their 'brain' and the object is seen. Unlike our lens, these lenses cannot focus. Compound eyes are advantageous to insects since they provide a better field of vision, so enemy or prey can be seen in all directions.
Why do we and the animals get the red eye effect in a photo?
The red eye in the photo, is because, the light when shone from a certain angle gets reflected from the choroid. The choroid has many blood vessels and therefore appears red. The 'red eye effect' can be avoided by changing the direction of the camera. BLUE AND GREEN EYES?
Whenever my friends seek my advise on selecting a puppy or a kitten I always advise them to look at their eyes. If they are abnormally colored either with a blue or green, probably they would be deaf and requries an extra care which is a genetic abnormolity due to an autosomal gene.
Fascinating stuff! Thanks for sharing.
cool photo's, the eyes jump right off the page at you
Popped in from Aug Challenge.
Wow, you have such amazing photos on this post, eyes everywhere, each pair as captivating as the other. I was hesitant to click on the last link, but was glad it was a photo of another set of beautiful eyes. :)
I'm here via the August Comment Challenge too :)
Thanks to you all.
Vera,thanks so much for not disclosing the picture in the link and leaving it to a surprise!
Sir, I had rightly quoted that you are not only a knowledge Bank but simply ATM. That is true. Your last joke about dangerous eyes has provided ITONE after watching such serious information which I have shared with my son immediately.
Thank you Koul
I am really thinking about you and your family at Kashmir-Take care!
These are really interesting information's. Thanks so much.
I love the cat! This is some interesting stuff!
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